Favre rumors swirl around Dolphins


From Comcast SportsNetThursday, August 4, 2011

DAVIE, Fla. (AP) -- Brett Favre in a Miami Dolphins uniform?It seems unlikely, but Dolphins coach Tony Sparano isn't completely shooting down the farfetched notion either.Asked Thursday if he would "rule out any possibility of interest" in Favre, Sparano stammered a bit before saying that the team doesn't automatically dismiss any idea when scanning who's available to possibly add to the roster.Sparano says, "I don't know how you want me to answer that. That'll be all over the news now too, but I'm giving you the only answer I can give you."The 41-year-old Favre has insisted he's done playing football, but after several years of flirting with retirement talk has spread he could return.

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